Emerald Dawn Quest

Emerald Dawn Quest (Insight 11+)
Suomi Tavern
Items Needed:
  • None
  • Go to Suomi Tavern and say "Adventures" to the bard.
  • Go to the Suomi Arms Master and ask about "Emerald Knights."
  • Go to Shinewood Forest Entrance, up to 5-1, and walk around randomly until you find the Emblem. The Entrance is usually best since it is the smallest area to search.
  • Return to the Suomi Arms Master and say "Emerald Knights" once again.
Aided the Emerald Knights Procedure:
  • Go to House Macabre Entrance, and say "Hello" to receive your rewards.
Aided the Necromancer Order Procedure:
  • Go to Kas Mines Entrance, and say "Hello" to receive your rewards.
Aided the Rogue Order Procedure:
  • Go to Mileth Crypt Entrance, and say "Hello" and sell it to him (no legend mark rewarded).
Druid Order:
  • Go to Grassy Fields Entrance, and say "Hello" to talk with him. No rewards, doesn't take insignia, can still complete one of the other procedures.
  • Legend Mark "Found Emerald Knight Insignia"
  • Receive Second Legend Mark: "Aided the Emerald Knights", "Aided the Necromancer Order" or No Legend for Rogue Order.
  • Random Gold or Experience